CoVid-19 Diary Month 3
This will be a month of experimentation, how close can we get ... back to normal ... the New Normal is the phrase being used. Today is May 19th, the Tuesday after the long Victoria Day Weekend, a Victoria Day minus the parade. Today is the first day that many businesses can reopen. Some will choose to stay closed just a few weeks longer to see how it goes. Will customers come back, how will businesses manage without tourists? Of course we are now all tourists or customers in our own town.
Restaurants, hairdressers, gyms and a few other businesses have had to reconfigure their seating etc to allow for physical distancing. Auntie Helen reports that before her hair appointment she must shower, wash her hair and put on clean clothes. Her hair will then be washed once more. I also heard that if a customer does not bring their own mask, one will be provided and that businesses are considering charging a CoVid charge as they cannot fit in as many customers, that sounds fair to me. It is on my list of things to do today to make my own hair appointment.
Victoria City has purchased the Comfort Inn for ($18million) to provide shelter and care for homeless folks. That is all good but then it was reported that 100 of the hotel employees were let go. Later reports stated that they would be hired by the city. Their working conditions would be drastically different so I doubt very much that will work for them. It is such a difficult balance!
Homeless folks have also been given cell phones. I believe that is a step too far but I do not know the ins and outs and ... yes ... I do not know their stories.
On June 1, BC schools will open a bit more. Currently the children of essential workers and children that need the extra assistance are attending school. In a couple of weeks a voluntary but very part-time return will happen. The plan is this gradual return will be a dry run for a more comprehensive return in September. The word guinea pig has been floated, hopefully the children will be safe. Physical distancing has been drummed into everyone and children are taking it very seriously, teenagers not so much. One sees many groups of teens gathered. Granted, me as a teenager would probably have done the same. It seems to me that locals should get out more, vulnerable seniors can stay in self isolation and practice strict distancing. I am strongly against opening provincial and federal borders!
On June 3rd the BC Ferry service between Horseshoe Bay and Departure Bay will resume probably with four round trips per day.
The federal government has announced that it is extending the Emergency Wage Subsidy by 3 months. That is funds that are provided to businesses to keep employees hired.
Adam tells us that the Keg will open in 1 week, that they had no difficulty getting employees to come back (that turns out to be a premature statement ~ their cooks prefer to stay at home collecting $2000 per month), the government has given them guidelines and they should be able to accommodate 40% of normal capacity.
As of today CoVid-19 numbers are:
For BC ~ 2444 cases, 1966 recovered, 5 deaths
For Vancouver Island ~ 126 cases, 120 recovered, 5 deaths which means there is only 1 known active case on Vancouver Island!!!
That reassures me that it is darn safe to get out there and get back to business.
Let us begin the month with these beauties in full glory outside our neighbour's patio.
In England a veteran of 100 years of age raised thousands of pounds for NHS charities by walking and being sponsored. That has inspired a local veteran to do the same, John is 101 years of age and he also happens to be originally from England. I think in the end he raised about $165,000. He was so very chuffed to have been able to accomplish and surpass his goal and he seemed to thrive on the attention. Such a positive good news story.
For a while I was immersed back in the politics and disastrous outcome of the 2015 Republican and Democrats primaries and the 2016 USA election. I have always been a Hillary fan and have never understood the hatred some folks have for her. She talks honestly about her mistakes, her strengths and how it was to be stalked by DT during one debate. Two choices went through her mind, she now thinks that she should have called him out. Hillary continues to be involved with women's issues and is working hard on getting more women to run for office.
May 13th
Many of our TV shows have ended, they were unable to continue working under CoVid conditions.
Keith and I are fans of Survivor, it, thankfully was able to run to the conclusion of the season. However the finale was very different with no live show reunion of course. All participants were online from their homes and Jeff Probst had a Survivor set installed in his garage. To add to the fun my SIL sets up a family pot where we all pull names and contribute $s. Keith's player was in the final 3 but did not win.
May 14
These are the same flowers that I enjoyed so much in Spain!
May 15th
An early morning walk with Chip as Keith had to get to work early.
Work has begun on replacing the concrete barrier along Dallas Rd. It will be replaced with a similar fence to what is on the Breakwater.
A short ride along the EandN Rail Trail.
I stopped for lunch and a read at this lovely but noisy (and cold) spot in Esquimalt.
On The Quilters Guild Facebook page a call went out for a volunteer to provide buttons and sew them onto scrub caps for nurses and other medical staff. I had not gotten around to making the caps myself and besides I do not have the lovely fabrics that Sharon S had used to make these ... so I was very happy to do my bit. I had wondered for what reason I was saving all my buttons. I believe there were 36 caps so that used up 72 buttons. Cathy M delivered the caps to me and then picked them up to deliver to a medical person in Langford.
Mom got me involved in this fundraiser, since I love to walk and bike anyway it was a perfect fit. It was supposed to end April 25th which allowed the many Canadian Grandmothers to virtually walk across Canada via every province and northern territory. In the end it was decided that we would continue and walk back to Victoria.
May 17
I continue to make masks. This one is for Laura C. To give the nose area some contour I have used the piece from coffee packaging. I thought I was pretty smart to think of that but learned later that it is common practice. One needs to use what is on hand. We are not running out to the store every day.
Keith and I enjoy the free time to play Cribbage, Hand and Foot and also Spite and Malice. Our restaurant fund is growing. (the loser pays the pot). We are closely matched and so the win lose ratio is pretty tight.
Monday May 18th Victoria Day
A gorgeous day, I met Laura at Selkirk Trestle. We both had to take care walking alongside the very busy Galloping Goose. Lovely to see so many families biking together.
May 19th
This day last year I was walking into Santiago de Compostela!!!
Wednesday May 20
I am beginning to get along with my hair a lot better.
It is Wednesday so Alice and I are at Mt Doug. The honeysuckle is out.
Thursday May 21
My satellite quilt group had a Zoom meeting this afternoon. The Zoom meetings only last 45 minutes so Ray and Joyce set up 2 consecutive meetings. Only 4 of us showed up, some of the others may have had technical difficulties and one of our members rejects wholeheartedly anything on her computer. She is on her own camino and I certainly miss her but I respect her choices. It will be doubly wonderful to see her again once we can get together in person.
After Zooming with my like minded friends, Chip and I headed out to visit Beacon Hill Park, we had not been there for several days.
Beacon Hill Park is home to many "homeless" folks, living there freely in provided tents. Previous to CoVid-19, tenters in the park had to pack up their tents every morning at 7am, apparently that will again be the norm once this is all over (if it ever is over). The homeless camps along a 2 block stretch of Pandora Ave and at Topaz Park are being dismantled with many folks being moved into the before mentioned city owned hotel. There is security, food, locked doors and bathtubs for the newly housed. I wish them well, the housing will provide a leg up and a new chance for these folks. Homelessness is only a paycheck or 2 away for so many people.
I would have loved to camp for free in a city park as a young 20 year old traveling the country. Today, as I passed by the tenters, I overheard a man say "That was a nice thing to say." I thought to myself how pleasant, these are good people but that thought was shattered within 1 minute as they then began screaming and swearing at each other. I was frightened and increased my pace to get out of there. BUT ... As Dr Bonnie says "We do not know their story." (and as I always say "they are on their own camino.") but all the same it does make me nervous to walk by folks, wondering if they are suffering from mental health issues and am I in danger?
But in the end ...
What a delightful visit it was! Not only did we enjoy this display but we saw a buck and a female with their fawn, a very unusual sighting. The 3rd joy was 2 seagulls showing off their mating dance.
How unfamiliar we are with Hardship.
I heard this on CBC but unfortunately did not note down the author.
But how true!!!
My generation has led a very sheltered life.
The only societal difficulty was a couple of downturns in the economy that resulted in job losses and concerns about money and how to pay the mortgage.
Saturday May 23
A visit to the James Bay Farmers Market.
Only food vendors allowed.
I am so very thankful to have these hardworking folks turn up to sell us local foods.
I wore my mask and gloves ...
... even though there is only one known CoVid case on the island.
On our way to Songhees...

This is the infamous Canada Goose with her brood of 16
Or perhaps it is 2 families?
There are usually 2 adults with all the wee goslings.
They appear to be very good parents.
Mom organized us to meet at noon on the lawn outside her place.
Oh how wonderful to see my family again!!!
We all felt happy and relaxed...
but spent much time exclaiming about Trump exploits.
We Canadians/British Columbians can feel quite smug about our good government.
USA is a mess with 1.67 million CoVid cases with just short of 98,000 deaths!
The Canada USA border closure was just extended by one more month.
Many of us hope that the closure will be much much longer.
Sunday May 24th
Normally our city would be full of American visitors enjoying their Memorial Day weekend.
The streets are empty.
Three young men were BMXing on the Black Ball Ferry stairs, having a great time and doing amazing maneuvers. I applauded them as I passed by and commented how nice it is to have the city to ourselves to enjoy these types of activities.
Many things continue as normal. I was delighted to see the garden orca back up for the summer.
Keith came home from walking Chip with the astounding wonderful news that Cora's was open.
Off we went for our first breakfast out in TEN weeks.
I was feeling giddy with excitement.
A neighbouring table (well over 2 metres away) mentioned that who knew that going out for breakfast would be such an event...that we will never take it for granted again.
Well we most likely will but ... yeah it was wonderful.
The menus were washed after every use, the hostess was kept very busy doing that.
There was a constant stream of Skip the Dishes employees picking up orders to deliver.
Breakfast does not seem to me to be very deliverable.
The condiments and jams are also washed each time and delivered fresh to the table.
All employees wear masks and gloves, they get uncomfortably hot but in spite of that the atmosphere was joyful. What a treat and a sign that things are looking up. Hopefully CoVid numbers do not do a big jump in 5 to 10 days. Dr Bonnie Henry says Be Kind, Be Calm, Be safe. She is a gem and well loved. Thank You Dr Bonnie!!!
Yes I ate the whole thing.
I love the colours.
The wisteria on the Empress grounds is stunning.
Later a walk with Keith and Chip through Beacon Hill Park and home through Fairfield. Isn't this a welcoming front door!
Tuesday May 26th
This week more and more businesses are reopening, today our 2 large bookstores will open their doors to customers. Until now they have been taking online or phone orders and payment and having customers pick up at the door. Russels will continue with that practice for a bit longer, they do not yet feel ready to open fully.
As I walked through downtown this morning I saw many signs that declared OPEN!, even The Bay Centre sported an open sign.
Adam tells us that the Keg has been so busy that they are equaling pre CoVid sales. A few of their cooks refused to come back, preferring to collect CERB, so they are running on reduced staff.
I walked to Pacific Paint, there was a sign on their door that they are only taking phone orders, no exceptions! A clerk came to the door and I said no I wasn't picking up a phone order, that I had not know the procedure. she kindly took my order and processed it while I waited outside, just entering to use the credit card machine. After procrastinating for at least 2 years I will finally paint the bathroom. Next I walked to McLaren Lighting, they have a craft table set up at the shipping entrance where they take one's order. They are able to bring the credit card swiper to the customer.
A side note regarding the CERB and other government monies; there is social media posts going around that encourage folks to spend those dollars at their local businesses. YES!!
Wednesday May 27
A beautiful day, Alice and I biked out to Thetis Lake for our weekly hike. On arrival at mid morning we could see that the parking lot was full. Consequently we chose to hike along the ridge and eventually to Prior Lake so to avoid the busy lake trail.
We passed through several very different eco systems.
This is typical of west coast rain forest.
Love the moss!
However on our way back to our bikes we took a wrong turn and ended up finishing on the lake trail. It was full of young folks in groups of 3 or 4. We could see larger groups of youngsters all along the lake, having non CoVid get togethers. One's first reaction is not outrage but at least disapproval ... but then ... I consider the CoVid numbers .... I remember being a teenager and wonder what would I have done in a similar situation. Of course I would connect with my friends! I am sure that when (if) CoVid does come back to our community we will see teenagers again taking a more cautious approach. One thing I did not appreciate however were the oncoming hikers that brushed too close to me. That said I noticed that I too had a much more relaxed attitude regarding proximity to Alice. Or she to me, difficult to tell. But we are still not ready to be in her car together. Aren't we fortunate that this is happening in spring time.?!
Thursday May 28
We met Lesley and Mom at Fisherman's Wharf for dinner. Note what friend Lesley is happily enjoying for her dinner.
Keith with his Brisket in a Bun.
Mom and I shared a fish n chips.
The tables had just been set up, previously (since CoVid) patrons went to sit in the park to eat their takeout.
Normally at this time of year the F W businesses are very busy with all the tourists. Soon there will be tourists once again, but only from BC!
Friday May 29
I biked up for a visit with Spring, only the 2nd time I have been in anyone's home since mid March. One the way home I stopped into the only open Vancity Credit Union in all of greater Victoria. They are only open until 3pm 5 days per week. Ridiculous! I waited in line for 30 minutes and was the last customer to be served (I had arrived at 2:45). One either side of me were business people who need to make in person contact. I was so angry that I sent off a letter of complaint to Vancity executive. Mom pointed out that banks are open, even her quiet local branch. I have never ever had an account in a bank but I am now reconsidering. (June 12 recently I received an email from Vancity that 1 more ~ just 1! ~ branch will open.
On my way home from the Saturday James Bay Food market I couldn't resist capturing these beauties. Dogwoods have been blooming for several weeks now, in recent years they also started coming in pink. The cool weather has them lasting several weeks.
Side note, I cannot purchase icing sugar anywhere! There are still many empty shelves in the grocery stores.
Wednesday June 3
Major chaos has erupted in the USA. 1 week ago police in Minneapolis murdered yet another black man. One police officer was kneeling on his neck for a total of 9 minutes. The victim could be heard saying I can't breathe. This was all caught on video. The 1 cop was immediately charged with manslaughter and today his 3 co-workers were also charged. But there have been demonstrations all week, many of them becoming riots with widespread looting. Trump is just doing what he does best, fanning the flames. He is being criticized for ordering a crowd outside the White House to be dispersed with pepper spray so he could hold up a bible in front of a church. The church pastor was 1 of the victims. (June 12 update a military General had been with Trump for this photo op, he recently came forward apologizing and saying that he should not have been present for what became a political show.)
There have also been many demonstrations in Canada as well, peaceful ones.
Locally playgrounds are now reopening. I cannot imagine bringing up a child and not be able to go play in the local playground.
Thursday June 4
Keith and I met at RJH to hear some test results.
I don't think patients are allowed to have anyone accompanying them but I was let in.
One is met at the door and questioned regarding any illness symptoms and then questioned again at the destination department.
We went for lunch at White Spot which had only been opened the previous day.
All wait staff wore plastic shields and every second table was either removed or signed as closed.
I biked to Beacon Hill Park where my Nine Patcher quilt group was meeting in person for the first time since mid March. It was so fabulous to see everyone again. Unfortunately since I was coming from RJH I did not have my stitching or a lawn chair with me and I had to leave early to walk Chip. But we will meet again in 2 weeks.
Friday June 5
Today Chip went to work with Keith so I could have a day of walking, something I have not done for far too long. Without errands to do I have no firm destinations. Today I am invited to Gary and Pam's for a lunch with Mom. Perfect destination for distance and route choices. I always enjoy walking through Fernwood and viewing the artful ways in that neighbourhood.
Before I got to Fernwood however was a delightful surprise. Our Emily (Carr) had been beautified with flowers.
Bespoke Blossoms was responsible. Great advertising as I and many others will post to social media.
Onward, the plan was for a quick stop at Canadian Tire. Ha! As I shop so seldom I had not fully grasped the situation. There is no longer the possibility of a quick stop. There was a very long lineup to get in. Not gonna work for me today. Other stores a Hillside Mall had no lines that I could see, I did not actually enter the mall so hard to tell.
We ended up eating inside as the weather was a bit iffy. Such a treat to eat at Gary and Pam's table again. They put such a lot of effort into their menu and of course the conversation was delightful. P and G are off to Osoyoos next weekend. They originally wanted to take their trailer but could not get a camping spot so they ended up booking a motel with a kitchenette along with 2 other couple friends of theirs from Kimberly. Many folks are out the door to travel and Victoria is very busy with traffic and tourists today (June 7)
On my way home from G and P's I heard a familiar sound behind me. Horse and Carriages are back.
They are a very controversial subject here in Victoria, I personally do agree that the horses should not be made to walk Victoria streets amongst the traffic and noise. nuff said
Another beautiful dogwood, this one on our townhouse property.
Saturday June 6
We met Mom at Fuego which has also just opened.
Now that is the flavour that I have been missing!!!
Sunday June 7
This weekend was to have been our Quilt Show and Sale that is held every 2 years.
Even though it was cancelled Guild members still sold raffle tickets, this is a major fundraiser for our guild to allow us to purchase fabric and batting. We donate baby quilts to prematurely born children and their families as well as to Transition Homes and many other worthy causes.
Today several guild members met at Pearkes Arena, (outside of course, Pearkes is still closed up tight) to pull the winning tickets. It was lovely to see folks in person.
Pictured are Sue P our Show Chair and Helene the amazing raffle ticket chairperson.
Biking home I caught this awesome cloud formation over the Olympic Peninsula.
What the heck are they doing down there (USA)?
Seriously though, race riots and demonstrations are still happening every day all over the world, in fact there is one taking place here in Victoria this afternoon. I considered going but it is just too difficult to physical distance in a crowd. However my heart goes out to the cause.
I changed my mind in the end and am so glad I did. The rally was well organized, respectful and beautiful. Every meter of Centennial Square was occupied. Few people were without a mask and it was easy to maintain distance of 1 meter... not the recommended two meters but better than I had expected.
A very CoVid-19 activity is to accomplish all those jobs that one has procrastinated over the past years.
In my case it was painting the bathroom. As it was I had to wait until we were 3 months in, but yay! I am very happy to have at least one bathroom painted.
Monday June 8th
Kinda funny.
Caroline had organized us 4 YaYas to watch a movie through Vancouver Intl Film Festival website and be on Whatsapp together to discuss as the movie went along. Well first of all it is impossible to synchronize the movie so ok let's use headsets for that. We took about 30 minutes to get that organized.
As soon as we started streaming the movie I completely lost all internet.
(Keith was also streaming a movie at the same time.)
Eventually I figured out that the power was out to all of our TV/TELUS devices.
Anyways, what a process to watch a movie together, will not try that again.
I purchased a new surge protector and we are all good once again.
Tuesday June 9th
I was invited to the monthly granddaughter day that Mom usually hosts. Since Hannah is living in Kamloops and of course because of CoVid this month's get together was via Zoom.
It is also Victoria Quilters Guild meeting evening which was also zoomed.
I was double zoomed.
Fortunately the VQG meeting was also recorded and available to watch within 1 week.
Wednesday June 10
On his way to work Keith dropped me off (my first time in a car in 3 months) at the north end of Elk Lake where Alice was waiting for me.
It was cool and foggy but by the time we had walked around both lakes the fog had dispersed and the sun showed its face.
We climbed Bear Hill where I delivered my two small stones, one from Spain and one from England to my Dad. I have had them sitting in the hall since I returned home almost one year ago.
Anyways lovely day of hiking, conversation never lags with my good friend Alice.
I elected not to accept a ride back to town in Alice's car, instead I kept on walking once again to the south end and along to Rithet's Bog. My fitbit tells me I walked over 20 kms, a decent camino day.
Here's me hot and disheveled waiting for a bus at Quadra and Beckwith ...
the first time taking a bus in 3 months.
Wore my mask, on an empty bus, another passenger sat right in front of me so I moved.
I was the only one wearing a mask on the bus.
Thursday June 11
I rode my bike up to Spring's home, we walked from there to Mt Doug and enjoyed our packed lunches in a lovely meadow then walked home. I needed to get back to walk Chip, another day with many steps on my fitbit.
The long hair gets chopped tomorrow! YAY!!!
Healthy lunch!
One year ago Spring flew to England and met Caroline and me in Eastbourne where we had just ended our 100 mile South Downs Way Camino. We Whatsapped the top photo to Caroline and she answered quickly, love that one can talk to a friend all that way away.
I just checked with Victoria City Hall.
Property taxes all across the country have been given an 1 month extension for folks to pay.
I will not need to take advantage of that.
Friday June 12th Brian's birthday
Two momentous things happened today.
I got my hair cut!!! What a relief. My regular place is not yet open, may not be opening, so last week I walked by a place on a residential property, on a whim I went in and booked an appointment.
I was very happy with her work and the price. By supporting a local small business I know all my $s will be staying in Victoria.
Brian's favourite local restaurant is Fifth St Bar and Grill, coincidentally it opened today on Bri's birthday. So Mom, Keith, Brian and I met there for an early dinner. I am just thrilled every time we get to go out for a meal. The staff seemed to be doing very well getting used to the new ways of doing business. It seems that between pickup, delivery and now sit down seating, restaurants are busier than ever. Fingers crossed that most of them survive, we are certainly doing our bit.
The New Do
The best part of the evening, I got to hug both my son and my Mom, both for the first time in three months. I am not sure that Dr Bonnie Henry would approve but we just could not wait any longer.
Talking about Dr Bonnie, the May numbers for opiod overdoses have just been announced and the number of deaths are doubled and tripled for many regions in the province. One hopes that June will be better since many folks are now housed in two hotels recently purchased by 2 levels of government. .. and they are receiving counselling and injection care. Side note; as I passed through Centennial Square I could see that the number of tents has again increased. The entire green space is full as well as much of the square.
So this ends Month Three. The City is busier every day as more and more businesses open. However there are several stores that are closed permanently. A few of the local Starbucks are closing, 200 across Canada ... but there were always too many of them. We have so many good local coffee shops, one does not need a US chain. Keith was telling us at dinner that Starbucks had forbade employees to wear Black Lives Matter tshirts to work. The blowback was so fierce that they completely backtracked and are providing said tshirts to all of their employees.
Here are fingers crossed that we do not suffer a second wave.
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