Tuesday, October 12, 2021



Last Wednesday (February '21) my good friend A and I biked the one hour journey to Fort Rodd Hill and Fisgard Lighthouse. A destination that I have had on my mind for several months. Also on my mind was to take a photo that I could translate into a quilt. It was a cloudy day, not quite what I had in mind but in the end I was pleased with the photo. 

First task is to print it on regular paper and draw a grid over top so that I could draw it full size onto newsprint paper, in this case, 14 inches by 20 inches. 

All graphed out. Next step is to lay freezer paper over top (since I do not own a light box the window works just as well) to trace out all the different components of the image. 
By now it is July, other projects have been worked on in the interim.
The freezer paper was laid on top of hand dyed grey for the sky and the rocks and the sea and commercial fabrics for the other pieces. They were then appliqued together using a buttonhole stitch. Simple embroidery was used for the fencing, windows and doors. Finally it was time to layer with batting and backing for the hand quilting stage. 

August '21 ~ The sky is quilted with 5 different shades of grey, now I am auditioning fabrics for the grass and lichens.
Perhaps some tea dyed cheesecloth?
No, I did not end up using this, perhaps it will work in a future project?
I did end up using dyed dryer sheets and colour catchers that had caught colour from my friend Valerie's quilt laundry.

The finished piece measures 21 x 16 inches. I gotta say I am not thrilled with the photo, this looks far better in person.
I loved the slow stitching in the piece but no you must not look at the back! It is a mess.
Now I will have time to work on my newest project, my Millefiore!


  1. Beautiful. Interesting to learn your process.

    1. Laura, interesting even for a non quilter? you are too kind.
