Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Ancestral Roots

Cocking to Amberley 12 miles 19 kms
South Downs Way
Day 4

The day started out beautifully with the sun streaming into Colin and Jennifer's breakfast room.

We are about 1/2 way up our morning climb. This is looking behind to see yesterday afternoon's descent in the distance.

45 kms from Winchester and 55 kms to Eastbourne. 

I love how these sheep are all watching us. 
The lil one standing left of centre was especially curious. 
I am in my happy place!

Looking down into the Arun Valley.
The River Arun is 37 miles long.
Mom, we are only 4 miles from Arundel.
Did you remember climbing The Downs while staying at Arundel Castle Dowager House?
In the late 1940s Mom and her family stayed with relatives who worked on the Arundel Castle estate.
I am also near where my feisty Grandma Eva was born and raised, just south, on the coast, a town called Littlehampton. Mom and I went there for a vacation about 15 years ago. 

This bee was actually staying still. So much easier to take her picture.

Not sure what they are harvesting.
There was another tractor behind, they didn't miss a beat once this one was full. It pulls away and the next pulls up under the chute.
The River Arun

Today's walk was pleasant and fairly easy.
And NO rain.
Thank you

Amberley Castle

Keith this one is for you.
It is called Bacon (cottage)
In Amberley

A charming cottage in Amberley

Our hosts Mike and Janet know that tired English walkers love tea and cake at the end of their day.
We are staying at Two Farms B&B. I give it 5*s!
Oh and bonus they have the hugest great dane, a real sweety.

The Sportsman Pub just down the street from our B&B was our choice for a dinner out. Food and service were excellent.
Caroline could not resist ordering ice cream from her namesake - Caroline Dairy Ice Cream. It passed the taste test.

An evening walk was in order, this is the 12th century church.

I can see why my great grandmother was given the then common name of Daisy, they are everywhere.

The town of Amberley oozes with charm and quaintness.
I have always loved England but I am falling deeper in love with this country every day. Not only is the countryside beautiful but the people are extraordinarily friendly and always take time to chat. How lucky am I to be enjoying England!?


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  3. Fellow Anglophile! I too enjoy being in the land of some of our ancestors.
