Today, June 1st, Caroline and I begin our 100 mile walk over 9 days along the South Downs Way. Sarah, Caroline's daughter, kindly drove us to our start point the quaint city of Winchester.
We had a very slow start as there were many groups of New Forest ponies blocking the road ... and being Saturday there were many tourists about... on bikes and in cars. The roads are very narrow with no shoulder for bicycles. Much patience is required.

Me with Caroline and her daughter Sarah at the ruins of Wolvesey Castle.
Originally built in the 12th century.
In 1554 Mary Tudor married Philip of Spain here.
This is the home where Jane Austen died on July 18 1817.
We walked along the picturesque River Itchen. This is the start of The South Downs Way.
Mom, is this looking familiar?
City gates
High St
Winchester Cathedral
A beautiful day, we stopped for tea on the cathedral grounds.
A clothing shop on High St has a lending library within.
Quaint and very olde.
Alfred the Great
As always in England, steeped in history.
Marks the beginning of our walk.
We went to The River Cottage for dinner.
Our vegan meals were delicious and my dessert of warm brownies was one of the best I have had. OMG So Good!!!
Can't wait to don the hiking boots and the backpack and start walking again!
Envious of your South Downs Way walk. I bet you're happy to be back on a path again.