Thursday, May 9, 2019

Glorious Galicia

Packing Light 101
My most useless item(s): shorts & tanktop
Most valuable item: Dad's old handkerchief*
Oh and the expensive earplugs.
Most missed item: a warm tuque (?) toque (?) hat
Most used item: $2 capris from Sally Ann
*Handkerchiefs are useful for cleaning eyeglasses, doubling as a facecloth or a hand towel as well as to blow your nose with. TMI?

This morning the dorm room burst into action at 6:15am with pilgrims getting dressed on their bunks in the dark. All taking their turn to quickly use the single bathroom for 12 of us. Packs filled, rain gear on, smelly hiking boots on, ponchos at the ready.
The advice was to avoid the camino for the 1st 12 kms as it would be too wet so that is what we did. We ascended on hwy ZA106 for a bit. At one point there was a choice to continue which was the guidebook instruction or to return to hwy 525 that we were on yesterday. Four Spanish pilgrims strongly encouraged us to take the 525 so we did. The highway was very quiet at this point and the kms flew by.
 Danielle is very uncomfortable with bridges (and we have been crossing some very high ones during the past few days) and ...
Looking back

....  tunnels as well. We went through 2 very long ones.
There are Cement Works everywhere here! Concrete is used to make just about everything. 

At 12 kms we stopped for tea and a croissant, then happily switched from the highway to the camino. The 4 Spaniards felt it would be too wet so they continued on 525. Their loss.
Immediate relaxed feeling as I got back on the trail. We are thankful to avoid wet conditions and the road walking just makes me appreciate the trail so much more.

Upon hiking over the pass, we have now entered the province of Galicia. Every province has different markers for the camino. You can see the Galician style in the photo above.
The trail was very wet in places but usually there were well placed rocks or sticks to step on. I managed to finish the day with dry feet.

O Pereiro
This church is obviously a gathering area for the locals. You can see (concrete) picnic tables in the middle of the photo and an attractive (concrete) fountain on the left.
 Just past the church is this entrance to the village with garden plots on either side and the usual abandoned buildings.
Steps to NoWhere are EveryWhere!

Between O Pereiro and the next village, the way was incredibly beautiful. The hiking was more like what I am used to and enjoy.

I could see for miles and could not see another pilgrim. Amazing day!!!
Camino Humour
Looking back to admire the view.
My Happy Place!!!

This is the next village O Canizo.
More Steps to NoWhere
This cross looks very very old, it has a great aged patina.

4 kms til our final destination of A Gudina. A misty rain started so on with the poncho and then just for fun the wind came up. The last couple of kms were back on a thankfully quiet road.
I am not minding the cool weather cuz I had a peek at the forecast...we are headed for temperatures in the low 30s.
Danielle caught up with me at the entrance to A Gudina. We were both getting cold but needed to walk 1.7 kms to the hotel that we had booked.
Many of the hotels give a special pilgrim rate. We have a twin room with private bath for 19€ each. First order of business after checkin was to get some comida. We have been eating a large meal at about 2 or 3 pm which does us for the rest of the day. 
My choice for primero plato was paella, what a treat that was, very tasty with lots of shellfish. 
Before I left home I made up a typed blurb that explains in Spanish that due to having epilepsy I cannot have any alcohol in my food. So far there has not been any but today the waiter kindly checked and the 1st 2 attempts at ordering were a no go due to being cooked with alcohol. Whew, so relieved that worked.
It was mentioned yesterday that we haven't seen a child in many days, saw one today in the hotel bar. The world is right again!

This evening it is pouring rain outside, we are happily not going anywhere!
It is cold in our room, the 2 heaters are not working. I am wearing my down jacket. (nc)

That's all Folks

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