Saturday, May 18, 2019

It Is A Good Day When You Can Have Two Breakfasts

Even though it was another ggrpp day, the way was again very scenic & beautiful and the sun even made a few appearances. Being the last day before arriving at Santiago de Compostela, I felt the need to slow down and savour the day.

I went for a pre bedtime walk around quiet Silleda. This is the church in the last of the evening light. I was wearing my down jacket and my gortex but found it very cold. So it was a short walk.

This morning Martina and I went to the nice Cafe Ina down the street from El Gran Albergue for breakfast. Fresh squeezed o.j. and fancy coffee art were a treat along with the usual tostada with tomato spread.

Roses every where.
I often stop to smell the roses, they are usually scented.

I need to come back in August for blackberries. 
The weather isn't quite sure what to do.

I think ... Weigelia??? Binners? Can you help?

In the village of Bandeira.

Well we had breakfast but that was 7 kilometres ago!
It seems I am always hungry & I am always eating!

The 2 white treats are Tarte (pie) de Santiago. A little like the french Canadian tarte aux sucre but the Spanish version is more crumbly and tastes of honey.

We see these beautiful lilies everywhere.
Below is from the same green thumbed gardener. 

Another example of today's route. 
I walked the 1st half with Martina (her ahead), talking non stop about life and choices.
It was just so beautiful, such a treat to slow down and really take it all in.
So Happy!

Enjoying the sunshine.
It was right about here that I removed my rain gear.
A typical garden scene; grape vines, rhodo and tomatoes in the distance.

So pretty

Do you see the chickadee?

Eucalyptus trees smell lovely, the scent is even strong enough to cover the smell of cow poop which is everywhere including on our boots and our poles.

Another example of the way.

A welcoming gate.

Another typical garden with hydrangeas growing outside the fence, grape vines and kale inside.

On the same property as above.
These gals were friendly and curious.

About 4 kms to go, at the village of Carballeira. 
You can see what I am in for.
I got soaked, no time to get out the rain gear but I did get my poncho on.

Part of the AVE Train works.

Danielle and I are again reunited. She booked us a double room in this nice albergue (O Cruceiro) with a restaurant.
After a large lunch I had a shower.
Spanish showers are not too well designed. Yesterday Martina flooded the bathroom floor from her shower, today it was my turn. It must be a common occurrence as this helpful staff came right up and dried the floor. Lucky me, yesterday's albergue had Martina do it herself.

Manana Santiago!

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