Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Zen of Walking

You heft on your pack. Somedays it is heavier than others depending on the amount of food and water, or sometimes it just feels heavier for no reason. You know those kind of days?!
As you start walking you adjust the straps making sure some of the weight is supported by the hips. Some days the adjustments take a good 15 minutes. Finally the pack settles into that familiar, comfortable weight.
Now you lengthen your walking poles and slide into that easy rhythm trying not to grip too tightly.

Your feet will then eventually get into a repetitive, comfortable stride. Some days it takes longer.

Then the brain ... this is the difficult part for me. ...What is with these crazy loops that repeat, the concerns, the whatifs? OK Debbie, time to let all that go. Look around at the scenery (doesn't work for most road/highway walking!), listen to the birds, the frogs, watch the ants at your feet, feel the perfect warmth of the sun. My goal is to be in the moment, to really see and experience my now.
The stride soon becomes effortless, the soul experiences bliss.

Then you get a rock in your shoe or your mind wanders or or or

But that means
You begin the process over again.
I Love to Walk!

Throughout all this it is extremely important to look out for the yellow directional arrows. I would rather not get lost.

Danielle washing up her breakfast dishes. It was fortunate that we decided to eat the provided breakfast at the Albergue as nothing was open as we walked out of town.

May 1st is Labour Day in Spain and the month of May is also for The Virgen Mary. We ran into this procession as we passed through the Plaza Mayor this morning.

377 Kilometres to go. That sounds about right.
Lonny walked with us to the northern outskirts of Zamora. Sad goodbyes.
A short foot break.
The village of Montamarta in the distance.

A strawberry break.

There are only 20 beds in this Albergue. We were fortunate to arrive in time for a (upper) bed. There is a restaurant on the highway here in Montamarta which is where we went for the mid afternoon meal. Ensalada mixta for me. It is 3pm and since there is no wifi at the albergue (but there is at the restaurant) I will publish today's blog now.

Ok 2 more photos.

At the north end of town. The Via de la Plata appears to follow the ridge to the left of the church.

The above church is home to the town cemetery.


  1. I would have thought I wouldn't want to take off my shoes and socks during the day, for fear of not wanting to put them back on! I guess your feet are feeling well enough to jump back in your shoes after a break.

  2. Socks get damp and that can cause blisters. So far no problem getting boots back on ... Not physically nor mentally!

  3. Love this post Debbie! Fav quote "What is with these crazy loops that repeat, the concerns, the whatifs?" I can relate and love that you find moments of transcending your loops! Love you.

    1. Thanks
      I guess most folks don't admit to those annoying loops. Btw your name came up as unknown.
      Who are you??? :)
